RS Models
92293 Curtiss Hawk II "Latin America"
V roce 1932 se firma Curtiss-Wright pokusila prorazit na zahraniční trhy i se stíhacím strojem. V té době již hlavně v Latinské Americe tvrdě soupeřila o zakázky s firmou Vought, to ale šlo o víceúčelové stroje Curtiss Falcon, respektive Vought Corsair, a od dokončení tří P-6S pro Kubu žádné stíhače do zahraničí neprodala.
In stock (5 pcs)
19,51 €
92031 Dornier 17K "late"
Do 17K byla verze vyvinutá pro Jugoslávské letectvo. Letouny měly prodlouženou příď, jugoslávské a československé přístroje a motory Gnome-Rhône 14 N. Výzbroj se skládala ze tří belgických kulometů FN ráže 7,7 mm. Z Německa bylo dodáno 36 ks, první z nich v říjnu roku 1937. Nejprve bylo dodáno 20 ks bombardovacích Do 17Ka-1, poté 14 ks Do 17Ka-2, které mohly sloužit i pro průzkum a nakonec dva...
In stock (6 pcs)
31,13 €
92030 Dornier 17K
Do 17K byla verze vyvinutá pro Jugoslávské letectvo. Letouny měly prodlouženou příď, jugoslávské a československé přístroje a motory Gnome-Rhône 14 N. Výzbroj se skládala ze tří belgických kulometů FN ráže 7,7 mm. Z Německa bylo dodáno 36 ks, první z nich v říjnu roku 1937. Nejprve bylo dodáno 20 ks bombardovacích Do 17Ka-1, poté 14 ks Do 17Ka-2, které mohly sloužit i pro průzkum a nakonec dva...
In stock (5 pcs)
31,13 €
92294 Curtiss Hawk II "Udet"
V roce 1932 se firma Curtiss-Wright pokusila prorazit na zahraniční trhy i se stíhacím strojem. V té době již hlavně v Latinské Americe tvrdě soupeřila o zakázky s firmou Vought, to ale šlo o víceúčelové stroje Curtiss Falcon, respektive Vought Corsair, a od dokončení tří P-6S pro Kubu žádné stíhače do zahraničí neprodala.
In stock (5 pcs)
19,51 €
In stock (5 pcs)
25,74 €
94026 P-38J 2LT David R. Miles "Battle over Moravia"
P-38 J, 2LT. David R. Miles, Battle over Moravia, 17.12. 1944. The Airplane was shot-down in combat with three FW-190s of II./JG 300 over Vinary near Prerov 17. December 1944. Pilot bailed out and was taken POW.
In stock (4 pcs)
25,74 €
NEW 1:72
92092 Curtis Hawk II
V roce 1932 se firma Curtiss-Wright pokusila prorazit na zahraniční trhy i se stíhacím strojem. V té době již hlavně v Latinské Americe tvrdě soupeřila o zakázky s firmou Vought, to ale šlo o víceúčelové stroje Curtiss Falcon, respektive Vought Corsair, a od dokončení tří P-6S pro Kubu žádné stíhače do zahraničí neprodala.
In stock (2 pcs)
18,68 €
In stock (3 pcs)
22,83 €
92299 Caudron C-446 "Super Goéland"
An evolution of the C445 was carried out by re-motorization. A first plane, number 8949, received Renault 12R 00/01 420 hp engines driving three-bladed propellers, under the designation by Caudron C.446 "Super Goéland". It flew for the first time in 1943 piloted by Clément, coded CD + RA. Three other aircraft (numbers 9728/1128 to 9730/1130) became Caudron C.446 A with 450 hp Argus As...
In stock (3 pcs)
26,15 €
94025 P-38J "Yippee"
Built and nicknamed "Yippee" at the factory, as the 5,000th P-38 built. Delivered to the U.S. Army. Assigned to the 5th Air Force, 475th Fighter Group, 431st Fighter Squadron during June 1944.On December 20, 1944, this aircraft "retired early" from a combat mission due to mechanical difficulty.On January 29, 1945 lost due to an "aerial accident". It is unclear what...
In stock (4 pcs)
25,74 €
NEW 1:72
92289 F-5C Lightning
The F-5 Photo version were based on the P-38G and P-38J models. It was the most important PR aircraft of the Second World War. It could carry a wide variety of cameras, with some aircraft carrying up to six cameras. From the F-5C-1 onwards, the majority of F-5 Photo Lightnings were conversions rather than purpose built. 128 F-5C-1s were converted from the P-38J-5.
In stock (4 pcs)
25,74 €
NEW 1:72
92288 F-5B Lightning
The F-5 Photo version were based on the P-38G and P-38J models. It was the most important PR aircraft of the Second World War. It could carry a wide variety of cameras, with some aircraft carrying up to six cameras. 200 F-5B-1-LOs were ordered at same time as the P-38J, using the camera nose from the F-5A.
In stock (5 pcs)
25,74 €
94019 Avia Bš.322.1
According to the army's request for an airplane designed for aerobatics training, the Avia Bš-122 airplane was constructed. MNO ordered 45 units in 1936. Compared to the Ba.122, the Bš-122 had stepped wings, a different fuselage and tail surfaces.
In stock (1 pcs)
22,83 €
NEW 1:48
48011 Messerschmitt Me P.1101
The Messerschmitt P.1101 was commissioned by OKL in the summer of 1944 and was the first aircraft in the world to have variable wing geometry. It could only be built on the ground at a yaw angle of 35° to 45°.
In stock (4 pcs)
41,10 €
NEW 1:48
48010 Messerschmitt Me P.1101 "Nightfighter"
The Messerschmitt P.1101 was commissioned by OKL in the summer of 1944 and was the first aircraft in the world to have variable wing geometry. It could only be built on the ground at a yaw angle of 35° to 45°.
In stock (7 pcs)
41,10 €
NEW 1:48
48009 Messerschmitt Me P.1101
The Messerschmitt P.1101 was commissioned by OKL in the summer of 1944 and was the first aircraft in the world to have variable wing geometry. It could only be built on the ground at a yaw angle of 35° to 45°.
In stock (7 pcs)
41,10 €