92273 Ki-100-I "Low Back"


The Kawasaki Ki-100 was a Japanese fighter aircraft used in World War II. In the Japanese army, the type was designated fighter aircraft type 5 (五式戦旦機, Gošiki sentóki). It was popular among Japanese pilots because it was able to match the best that their opponents had at the time. Čtěte více


470 Kč

Výrobce: RS Models


4 decal variants:


1. Ki-100, Akeno Flight Training Division (111th Air Regiment, flown by Mj. Yohei Hinoki (12 victories, Miki AF, Hyougo prefecture Japan, July 1945

2. Ki-100, 5th Air Regiment, Kiyosu AF, Aichi prefecture, Japan, July 1945

3. Ki-100, 244th Air Regiment, flown by Regiment Commander Maj. Teruhiko Kobayashi (12 victories), Yokaichi AF, Shiga prefecture, Japan, July 1945

4. Ki-100, 244th Air Regiment, flown by Regiment Commander Maj. Teruhiko Kobayashi (12 victories), Yokaichi AF, Shiga prefecture, Japan, July 1945


The design of this aircraft is based on its predecessor Ki-61-IIKai. The aircraft was equipped with a Mitsubishi Ha-112II engine with a power of 1500 horsepower, and thus at the beginning of 1945 an excellent machine was created, which is often referred to as the best Japanese fighter of the Second World War ever. The new Ki-100s were armed with two 20 mm cannons and two 12.7 mm machine guns. Fortunately for the Americans, these aircraft did not get into service in large numbers, as they were very dangerous for their long-range bombers, including the B-29 flying fortresses. It was the air offensive of American heavy bombers that destroyed the Japanese aircraft industry and significantly reduced the production of the excellent Ki-100 aircraft.

Doplňující informace

Kategorie: Měřítko 1:72
Obtiskové varianty: Japonsko
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92273 Ki-100-I "Low Back"
92273 Ki-100-I "Low Back"

470 Kč

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