92278 F-5A Lightning


26,11 € 25%

92278 F-5A Lightning

F-5 Photo Lightnings were based on the P-38G and later models. It was the most numerous version of the Photo Lightning and one of the most important PR aircraft of World War II. Read more

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26,11 € incl. VAT Discount 6,53 €

19,59 €

Producer: RS Models


4 decal variants:


1. F-5A of the 9th PRS, 7th BG, Pandaveswar, India, 1943

2. F-5A of GR II/33 based at Alghere, Sardinia, May 1944, A. S. Exupery

3. F-5A of the 12th PPRS at Florennes, Belgium, October 1944

4. F-5A of the 34th PRS, 10th BG, June 1944


It could carry a wide range of cameras, with some aircraft carrying up to six cameras. The F-5A was based on the P-38G. A total of 180 were produced in three production blocks, each based on the equivalent P-38G block (20 F-5A-1, 20 F-5A-3, and 140 F-5A-10). The F-5A carried a combination of vertical and oblique cameras.

Additional information

Category: Plastic aircraft
Decal variants: France, USA
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92278 F-5A Lightning
92278 F-5A Lightning

19,59 €

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